Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow and Christmas

Merry Christmas!!!!
I'm finally getting into the Christmas spirit. With school and kids and work and everything else going on I haven't done much for Christmas this year. The kids are a little concerned that there is not one single present under the tree, but that just adds to the fun, hee hee. We put our tree in the middle of the living room again this year. The kids think that's a great place and who am I to say different? The weather has turned cold and snowy and I think that adds to the Christmas spirit. It feels like Christmas now.
The kids have really loved the snow. Mitch and Jo play outside more now than they did in the summer. They've started a snow boarding ramp down our big driveway and they board down the hill. The funny part is that they don't have snowboards, so they ride down the hill on planks of wood left over from the basement. I'm personally amazed they slide at all. I think we will have to take them snow boarding at Sundance this year.