Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mother Daughter Date

Last week JoLyn and I decided to have a mother/daughter day. Boyd was in St. George and Mitchell was at camp, so it was just the girls at home. JoLyn got to choose the destinations and she decided on the Hoogle Zoo and the Living Planet Aquarium. We went to the zoo in the morning, just after it opened and spent the morning hours there. It was a cool, cloudy day which I've decided is the best time to visit the zoo. I've never seen so many active animals so close up before. The bird show was great!
In the afternoon we went to the aquarium and JoLyn's favorite display was the sting ray pool. They swim around and let you pet them which is way cool! JoLyn sat with her arm in the water petting sting rays for a FULL HOUR!!!! Oh, well, it was her day to do what she wanted.

Later we went to dinner and rented "Marley and Me". We had a great day just the girls.