Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy Birthday JoLyn!!!

JoLyn turned 9 on Saturday and we had a very busy day. Mitchell and Boyd went to scout activity at 7am, so JoLyn woke me up at 9 and we played board games and had breakfast together. JoLyn was scheduled to take her ATV license class that afternoon, so we went and bought her some new riding boots, went to lunch then went to her class. She has been studying for weeks for this class and the written test. There are two portions to the class, the written test, then the riding part. She did just fine on both parts. Here are some pictures of her in the class. She looked so small out there with all the big machines, but she kept up with all the big kids and rode like a champ. She was so excited to have her license.
After the 4 wheeler class, we went home, showered and got Little Ceasars Pizza and she invited a couple of friends over for a movie night. She had a wonderful time. We were exhausted by the end of the night though.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

When in Rome......

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When living in Happy Valley (Utah County) this means go to the BYU football games. I went to my first BYU football game on Saturday. Boyd got tickets through work and we had nothing else going on. We got there a little late and the score was BYU 7, UCLA 0. When we left at the end of the 3rd quarter the score was BYU 52, UCLA 0. BLOWOUT!!!!!!! Being in the atmosphere is the fun part. I don't really care if BYU wins or not, but it's fun to be there, watch the players, the halftime show and get caught up in the excitement.
School for me is in full swing. I've started clinicals with the nurse educator in the ER at Utah Valley which I think will be really good for my overall work experience at the Valley. It's good to see the behind the scenes stuff too. Well, I'm off to make dinner.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Hi sometimes life is complecated.But when you set your mind to it you will sucseed.Mind my manners my name is Jolyn and I forgot.
Ahhh, the attention span of a 9 year old. JoLyn decided she wanted to add something to the blog too.
We are doing great here in Payson. The weather is starting to cool off at night and still be warm in the daytime. My tomatoes are going crazy, I have tomatoes gallore. So far I've canned 2 batches of salsa, one batch of chille sauce and one batch of diced tomatoes. My plants still look like I haven't picked any tomatoes and I'm out of bottles. Oh, well, that's what I wanted anyway.
The kids are taking swimming class and they think that is the greatest thing ever. They are learning freestyle, the backstroke and the dolphin kick. We found a swimming teacher in Spanish Fork who has a enclosed pool in her back yard.
School has been great. The kids like their teachers and are doing really well. I started school last week too and it looks like this semester won't bee too hard. But there is a lot of clinical hours that I have to do. I'm doing my clinicals at Utah Valley ER, so that will help me in my job too.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My First Blog

Jamie has inspired me, I've decided that this is a good way to keep a journal and keep family members informed of our goings on. This is going to be a learning curve for me. It might make me take a few more pictures, I think the only pictures I've taken this year is of Christmas and birthdays. More to follow.