Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Camera

I finally gave up on trying to find my camera and bought a new one. It's a Kodak, like my other one which makes the software easy because I don't have to learn another one. I was having fun updating the software and looking through old pictures and I had a ton of pictures that I had totally forgotten about. I uploaded them to my digital picture frame and WOW, talk about walk down memory lane. It was fun.
I finally got pictures of our new dog, Sadie. She's adjusting to life with a new family and life as an inside dog. She is usually pretty good, but she had an accident in the house yesterday while we were gone. We were gone longer than we thought we would be and didn't get home in time to let her out. Otherwise, she's a pretty good dog, and the kids love her to pieces, and that's the main reason we got her anyway.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Sorry you lost your camera. Glad the dog is liking his new place!