Saturday, March 13, 2010

Wild hair

I've never been one to fight too much about my kids hair. I try subtle little hints, "Is your hair in your face, would you like to go get it trimed?". Mitchell is just getting to the age where he is aware of his hairstyle, he combs it, puts styling gunk in it and wants it to look like Percy Jackson. Last spring we tried to bleach it blond and it turned out more orange than blond, poor kid. I thought that would cure the desire for bleached blond hair, but alas, this spring he wanted to bleach it again. So to the store we went and after an evening of converting the kitchen to a hair salon, I now have a very blond son again. Not as orange this year.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Wow! He hardly looks like the same kid! Glad it turned out better.